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GeoGami is a geogame for tablets and smartphones. You can create your own ralleys in your neighbourhood. In each game you need to solve tasks at different locations displayed on a map, which is used for orientation. In schools, GeoGami is used to foster map reading skills. You can play it with your classmates in the school ground or in the virtual reality. GeoGami is also fun for your fee time: You can play GeoGami also in your free time to explore cities or discover a nature adventure trail.

GeoGami in the Real or the Virtual World

GeoGami can be played with a tablet (with GPS) in the real world. It is suitable for ralleys through parks, in the schoolyard or in nature. A game consists of a sequence of tasks that are displayed to the player on a map. When the player reaches the right place, he can solve the task there. Players can be offered various assistance in map reading: For example, a location marker can show the player’s own position on the map. A variety of options are available to support players with different map reading skills.

To play GeoGami in the virtual world, different worlds are available. To do so, the player needs either a computer running the virtual world or VR glasses.

How To Get GeoGami?

How do I get GeoGami?

The GeoGami app is available for download for iPads in the App Store and for Android devices in Google Play. GeoGami is an open source project: the code can be found on Git Hub.